Custom Facebook Smiley / Emoticons
Have you ever thought how unofficial Facebook Smiley / Emoticons work?, Want to know how Smiley Work on Facebook Chat Box ? How to Create your Own Custom Emoticons / Smiley ? How to Find Code of the Smiley which your friend or anyone else had sent to you in your chat-box ? Then your at write place. This will teach you everything about Facebook Smileys / Emoticons like how smiley / emoticons work, how to create your own custom emoticons like heart, rose, pizza etc., how to create smiley of any picture and how to send them in chat box, how to put your or your friends or page profile pic as smiley and other things related to Facebook Smiley.

First thing i would like to tell you how custom smiley / emoticons like shown in the above picture works. This is actually a profile picture or page profile picture and just unique id of page or profile is pasted [[ ]] between this type of brackets and pressed enter and automatically profile picture of that page or profile will be displayed whose Unique ID we type.
To put smiley of picture of you or your friend in Facebook Chat-Box, just copy paste UID or username of the person whose picture you want to put as smiley in chat-box inside [[ ]] this type of brackets and press enter.
For example if i want to put my profile picture as smiley in chat-box then i will put my UID i.e. love.struck.5 and to sent it as smiley to your friend you have to type UID inside bracket like this [[love.struck.5]] and press enter. After you paste this and hit enter automatically.
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You will be wondering what facebook UID or Username is and where you will find it ?
Every Facebook Profile and Page have Unique Indentity (UID) / usernames which help to differ one profile or page from another. You will find it in URL ( Uniform Resource Locator ) bar. URL bar is the thing in browser where you type address of certain site and press enter, and site gets open. UID or Username are the last part of Facebook Profile URL. For example suppose after visiting my profile if you get in URL bar then love.struck.5 will be my Username and to send smiley of my profile picture you have to type [[love.struck.5]].

How big picture smiley is created to sent in chat-box like given in picture below ?

To create this type of smiley which is shown in above pic photos are divided into several parts of 16*16px and its uploaded in album. and to send smiley picture which you uploaded in album by making its parts into 16px just type FBID of single single picture in [[ ]] this type of brackets. You will be able to see FBID when you open a certain picture. Only if the picture is of 16px then only it will work or else wont work.
Some Smiley / Emoticons Codes are given below.
Note: Click on picture to view it in full size.
Picture Smiley Codes.
To use the smiley given below on the left side in Facebook Chat-Box just copy full code given in right box and paste it in your friends chat-box whom you wanna send that smiley.
I love You
Coffee Emoticon
Giving Rose emoticon
Heart Giving emoticon
Holding heart emoticon
Beer Mug emoticon
Gift Box
Blushing shy
Sleepy Yawning
Showing Tongue
Holding Gun
Teddy Bear With Flower
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